FarmShare Kitchen: Garlic Scape Dip

It's scape time, once again!

The season for garlic scapes is brief, but bountiful. They're perfect for pickin' in early June when farmers trim them from the garlic plant as they start to curl and before they flower. This is done so that the plant's energy can be used to form the more familiar garlic, that we'll see later in the season.

Garlic scapes have a mild, green, garlic flavor that we enjoy in homemade pesto. Another favorite way to enjoy them is stir-fried or sauteed with a little olive oil. 

We polled a few of our farmers to find out what they do with scapes and our favorite response was, “Throw a few scapes in the blender, add sour cream and get yourself a couple bags of potato chips”. This may not be the healthiest way to enjoy scapes, but it will make for a tasty weekend treat alongside that grilled burger. And it packs quite a garlicky punch (if you prefer less garlicky flavor, use fewer scapes).

Garlic Scape Dip

3-4 garlic scapes, chopped into 1" lengths
1 cup sour cream (or Greek style yogurt for a healthier option)
Salt to taste
Fresh cilantro, minced (optional)

Chop scapes and puree in food processor. Add sour cream or yogurt (or half and half), salt, and fresh cilantro. Blend until smooth. Enjoy with your favorite chips or crackers.