Recipe Roundup: Tomatoes, Herbs, Eggplant, Sweet Corn

We pack as many recipes as we can into our weekly FarmShare Kitchen newsletter that accompanies your FarmShare deliveries. But if you need even more culinary inspiration this week, maybe this week's recipe roundup will help you out.

Mark Bittman continues to amaze me with his elegantly simple collections of recipes for a singular ingredient or dish. First it was his pasta collection and this past week, tomatoes. His article from last week's New York Times Magazine, The Proper Way to Treat an Heirloom, and the accompanying twelve recipes are required summer reading for any true tomato lover.

Bittman's dishing up great advice again this week with a piece entitled The Ungarnished Truth proposing that we treat them "as teeny vegetables" and offering four recipes that showcase seasonal herbs.

Eggplant seems to be one of those mysterious vegetables that we struggle with in the kitchen. We want to love it but find that most recipes just don't excite us very much. Here are a few that might change all that...

Grilled Eggplant Panini
Thai Basil Eggplant Curry
Eggplant Agnolotti with Tomato Sauce

Sweet Corn
This week's corn, from Red Basket Farm, is so good that you'll probably have no problem devouring it one ear at a time. But if you'd like something different, try this Summer Corn Salad recipe we discovered on Heidi Swanson's blog 101 Cookbooks.